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Donnerstag, 23. Mai 2019

When I used to rule over Israel as a king, the Lord had blessed me with so much glory, that “He placed my enemies as a stool for my feet”(psalm 110). My kingdom lasted seventy years, knowing that the everlasting kingdom was yet to come, along with its eternal king. Ever since I’m waiting, along with thousands of souls, anticipating His arrival.

The first humans, Adam and Eve and all the prophets and righteous men who ever lived on earth, we all are waiting... “but my trust is in you, O Lord(psalm 31:14) for you will not leave my soul in hell”(psalm 16:10).

There is much darkness around us, yet it is the most luminous place in hades. The doors are shut and locked, keeping us safe from the demons.

- A loud voice is reverberating in the gloomy halls -

“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near!”(matthew 3:2)

“Is this the Messiah?” some of us asked.

“He is the voice of one shouting in the wilderness”(John 1:23), the one I mentioned in my prophesy!” screamed prophet Isaiah aloud.

“Prepare the way for the Lord, make his paths straight!”(Mark 1:3) shouted the prophet,
as we all are gathering up to listen to him.

“The Messiah has come to save the world”, he says, “the blind see, the lame walk, those with leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised to life, and the Good News is being preached to the poor.” (Matthew 11:5) My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him,”(psalm 28:7) for we are receiving the Good News in hades! All of us are excited and in great joy, as the prophecy has been fulfilled! “In the place of the dead there is excitement over your arrival. The spirits of world leaders and mighty kings long dead stand up to see you. (Isaiah 14:9).

- A huge shiny cross is appearing above us -  

“It is the Messiah!” “His arrival has come! Tearing down the gates of hell!”, everyone shouted.

He is coming surrounded by his holy angels, enlightening in his light every angle of hades, and every knee bows down before him. We are standing in awe before his glory chanting unanimously “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!”(Mark 11:9) ...

It is the third day, and the Lord says “it is finished”(John 19:28-30)

The angels start singing, “Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and upon those in the tombs bestowing life!”(paschal troparion)

Mittwoch, 8. Mai 2019

It is bigamy to love and to dream

“It is bigamy to love and to dream” says the greek poet Odysseas Elytis. As it is impossible for oil and water to mix, same goes for love and dream. You can always be dreaming in the world of fantasy, but love exclusively exists in reality. Love can only be experienced in the presence, whereas dreams merely exist in the past or in the future, since dreaming is the absence of mind. Someone can be daydreaming or sleeping and missing the presence, therefore the possibility to love and to be loved, but love is only experienced in a state of awareness and watchfulness, thus when the mind does not wander staying in the now.
And if death is connected with sleep and dreaming, then love is connected with life, for a life without love is meaningless. Finally we can say “God is love”(John 4:16) and in his love, we can live the true life, “for he is not a God of the dead, but of the living, for all live unto him.”(Luke 20:38). As a psalm says “...Beware, therefore O my soul, lest thou be borne down with sleep, lest thou be given up to death, and lest thou be shut out from the Kingdom. Wherefore rouse thyself and cry: Holy, Holy, Holy art Thou, our God, Through the protection of the Heavenly Hosts save us.” Η εικόνα ίσως περιέχει: ουρανός, νύχτα, υπαίθριες δραστηριότητες και νερό D.C